El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation view photo by Michael Tropea
Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster
10’ x 8’ x 2’

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation view photo by Michael Tropea
Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster
10’ x 8’ x 2’

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation view
Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster
10’ x 8’ x 2’

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation detail
Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster
10’ x 8’ x 2’

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation detail
Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster
10’ x 8’ x 2’

A la chingada con Hilco / Hell No to Hilco
A la chingada con Hilco / Hell No to Hilco

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster

Ponte un cubre bocas / Wear a Mask
Ponte un cubre bocas / Wear a Mask

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and leather

El árbol de Covid19 / The Covid19 Tree
El árbol de Covid19 / The Covid19 Tree

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster

A la chingada con Hilco / Hell No to Hilco
A la chingada con Hilco / Hell No to Hilco

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster

Hilco in Little Village

No podemos respirar / We Can't Breath
No podemos respirar / We Can't Breath

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster

Installation View 3.jpg
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation Details

Árbol de la vida (Boda)
Árbol de la vida (Boda)

Black Clay
13in x 10in x 5in

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
A la chingada con Hilco / Hell No to Hilco
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
Ponte un cubre bocas / Wear a Mask
El árbol de Covid19 / The Covid19 Tree
A la chingada con Hilco / Hell No to Hilco
No podemos respirar / We Can't Breath
Installation View 3.jpg
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village
Árbol de la vida (Boda)
El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation view photo by Michael Tropea
Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster
10’ x 8’ x 2’

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation view photo by Michael Tropea
Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster
10’ x 8’ x 2’

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation view
Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster
10’ x 8’ x 2’

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation detail
Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster
10’ x 8’ x 2’

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation detail
Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster
10’ x 8’ x 2’

A la chingada con Hilco / Hell No to Hilco

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster

Ponte un cubre bocas / Wear a Mask

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and leather

El árbol de Covid19 / The Covid19 Tree

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster

A la chingada con Hilco / Hell No to Hilco

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster

Hilco in Little Village

No podemos respirar / We Can't Breath

Terracotta, black stain, glaze, wax, and gold luster

El árbol del medio ambiente en la villita / The Environmental Tree of Little Village

Installation Details

Árbol de la vida (Boda)

Black Clay
13in x 10in x 5in

show thumbnails